Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for fat loss!

So here it is! An example of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Remember, just an example!

Bear in mind that eating for health can often be different than eating for body composition goals. It may be worth adjusting your focus from making every meal michelin star standard food (in case it was) to meals that get the most useful nutrients in your system for the sake of hitting your goals in the most time efficient manner.

In the example below you’d probably want to achieve the same sort of calorie totals and macronutrient splits around 5-6 days a week (the whole week if you’re really hardcore!). A person can usually get away with a couple of ‘cheat meals’ or a ‘cheat day’ per week and still head in the right direction. But of course you will excel more if you can tackle no ‘cheat meals’ at all!


  • 5 Venison Meatballs
  • 100g Organic spinach
  • 100g Chopped tomatoes
  • 20g grated grana padano cheese
  • 3/4 tbsp of butter

Calories 389
Protein: 38g
Fat: 20g
Carbs: 12g


  • 150g Organic watercress, spinach and rocket
  • 6 organic cherry tomatoes
  • 100g Organic cucumber
  • 75g avocado
  • 150g free range chicken
  • 30g feta cheese
  • 2 tbsp Balsamic vinaigrette

Calories: 564
Protein: 46g
Fat: 34g
Carbs: 11g


  • 125g Ostrich Fillet steak
  • 85g broccoli
  • 100g Sweet potato
  • 90g Asparagus
  • 3/4 tbsp Virgin Coconut oil

Calories: 376
Protein: 36g
Fat: 13g
Carbs: 31g

Total Calories: 1329
Total Protein: 120g
Total Fat: 68g
Total Carbs: 55g

Total macronutrient ratios:

37% Protein
47% Fat
16% Carbs

This is just an example that can be easily adjusted to suit your individual caloric needs, tastes and goals. Hopefully it gives a bit of an idea as to what a day of eating could look like if you were striving for fat loss.